My Grace

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Baptism Ministry Application

Please complete this online form to apply for theBaptism Ministry A-Team.

Thank you for requesting to be a part of the Baptism Ministry.  We have the pleasure of assisting disciplesof Jesus in a very important step in their Christian walk.  For that reason, as a member of the BaptismMinistry A-Team, we view your commitment as a stewardship in God’s Kingdom.

After we have received your application and you are accepted as apart of the Baptism Team, the Baptism Coordinator will make contact tocongratulate you.

*Address Line 1
Address Line 2
*Zip/Postal Code
Cell Number :
Best time to reach you:
*I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior?:
*I have been baptized:
*I am a Grace member:
*I am part of a small group here at Grace Chuch:
If yes, please list the groups below:
*Please give brief testimony as to why you would like to be a part of this ministry team:

Please provide three names of Grace Members that know you well

*Name Phone Email Address
Name Phone Email Address
Name Phone Email Address
Check service preference: